A-Whirl is back in person! May 20 – 22 πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ‘

I have been very busy throughout these last three crazy and sad months, creating small and affordable pieces for the upcoming Northeast Minneapolis Art-A-Whirl. I have discovered the subject of birds, and am amazed at how much I am able to express through them. They have become my vessel to spontaneously express my thoughts and feelings of the day I am making them. The thoughts I have engraved on them have changed from hopeful/inspirational to protesting the Ukraine war and prayers for peace, and back to escapist/silly/ self comforting themes. Then an idea struck me and I made three small busts advocating the de-stigmatization of mental health struggles.
All these pieces will be Raku fired – a process that I am infatuated with because of the uniqueness and drama it adds to each piece.

The 2022 Northeast Minneapolis Art-A-Whirl will take place on the weekend of May 20 to May 22 throughout the NE Minneapolis Arts District, and will be in person again! I will be back at the Grain Belt Bottling House as a guest artist, and am so looking forward to it.
I will donate 15% of my net sales to Ukraine and refugee help organizations World Central Kitchen, USA for UNHCR, UNICEF and International Rescue Committee.
The assault on Ukraine has shaken me deeply, and has opened my eyes to the plight of refugees everywhere.
So lets meet up foe Art-A-Whirl, raise some money for refugees, and remind each other of the good thatβ€˜s also out there!